Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Breakthrough cancer cure on horizon - first patients due for NEW UK treatment in 2018

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CANCER treatment for is set to be revolutionised in the UK next year - with the first patients expected to have treatment in early 2018. This means prostate cancer patients, patients with brain tumours and breast cancer could have a greater chance of survival.

Proton Partners International has announced it has successfully fired the first high energy proton beam in the UK during testing at The Rutherford Cancer Centre in South Wales.


Treatment at The Rutherford Cancer Centres will be available to medically-insured private patients, self-paying patients and patients referred by the NHS.
Proton beam therapy is a type of radiotherapy used in cancer treatment, delivering heavily charged protons in a more targeted manner to reduce damage to unaffected tissue and organs.
The treatment has delivered significant results for patients, especially in lowering side effects - but the treatment is not yet available in the UK.
The NHS refers patients abroad for treatment, and hundreds of others have sought the treatment abroad - flying to Prague and footing the bill for their own treatment.
The tests were completed this week at the company’s first cancer centre in Newport, South Wales, in preparation for the Proteus ONE system - the first high energy proton beam therapy solution to be delivered in the UK - becoming fully operational.
The Rutherford Cancer Centre has opened recently to accept patient referrals for conventional cancer treatments and it is anticipated that patients will be treated with proton beam therapy early in 2018.
Mike Moran, chief executive officer of Proton Partners International, said: “This is an important milestone in the development of proton beam therapy in the UK. We’re two months ahead of schedule and for the first time in this country we are beginning to see the reality of high energy proton beam therapy taking shape.
“We look forward to completing the test programming in preparation of treating patients in our first cancer centre.We’re delighted that the most important day of all, when we are able to treat patients with high energy proton beam therapy, is coming into view.”
Professor Karol Sikora, chief medical officer of Proton Partners International, said: “The availability of proton beam therapy treatment in the UK will have a significant impact on cancer treatment.
“We believe around 10 per cent of all cancer patients could benefit from a very precise form of treatment.
“Furthermore, it will mean that patients who need this type of treatment will not have to travel abroad in future to receive it."
The Rutherford Cancer Centres will be able to provide conventional and proton beam therapy treatment to self-paying patients and patients referred by the NHS.

Tumours are targeted with Cone Beam CT, a volumetric visualisation of the tumour and the body.
To meet growing demand, Proton Partners International is building a series of oncology centres across the UK named The Rutherford Cancer Centres which will offer an all-encompassing cancer service, including high energy proton beam therapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, imaging and wellbeing services.
Each centre will install the same proton beam therapy system at its other centres which are under development in Northumberland, Reading and Liverpool. 
Locations for a clinic in central London are also being considered.
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